Crete Olive Oil Production Technologies Fabrika
Brumfield, A. “Η Φάμπρικα στην Ανατολική Κρήτη” (The Olive Mill in Eastern Crete), in ΕΛΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΔΙ (The Olive and Oil), (ed.) Politistiko Technologiko Idryma …
Brumfield, A. “Η Φάμπρικα στην Ανατολική Κρήτη” (The Olive Mill in Eastern Crete), in ΕΛΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΛΑΔΙ (The Olive and Oil), (ed.) Politistiko Technologiko Idryma …
Ramon Ramon-Munoz, “Specialization in the International Market for Olive Oil Before World War II”, in The Mediterranean Response to Globalization Before 1950, Şevket Pamuk, Jeffrey …
Antonio Monte, “Le macchine in uso nei processi storici di produzione dell’olio”, Patrimonio Industriale, 04, 3, ottobre 2009, p. 40-53. [The machines in use in …
Antonio Monte, “I Trappeti ipogei di Terra D’Otranto per la produzione dell’olio ‘lampante’: il processo produttivo storico e gli ‘ordigni oleari’”, in Luce e Olio. …
Juan Francisco Zambrana Pineda, “Las industrias de los aceites y grasas vegetales en Espana: un desarrollo limitado, 1850-1950 [The vegetable oils and fats industries in …
Antonio Monte, “Dai tradizionali ‘ordigni oleari’ al ‘pressojo idraulico’ per la produzione dell’olio d’oliva” [From the traditional ‘oelari ordigni’ to the ‘hydraulic pressojo’ for the …
Maissoun Sharkawi, Les pressoirs à olives à vis en fer à activation manuelle du XIXe siècle comme objet de patrimonialisation, dans le contexte du patrimoine …
Tamara Lewit, “Wine and Oil Production in 4th-7th century Monasteries of the Eastern Mediterranean”, ROMVLA, Revista del Seminario de Arqueologia de la Universidad Pablo de …
Arnaud Bartolomei, “La révolution industrielle en Méditerranée (1780-1880). Un échec?”, Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 103, 2021. European historiography considers that the Industrial Revolution never happened …
Olcay Pullukçuoğlu Yapucu, “Bir Osmanlı Fabrikasında İş Güç Enerji ve Makine”, İzmir Araştırmaları Dergisi Prof. Dr. Serap Yılmaz Özel Sayısı, 3 (7), 2017, p. 117-133.