At the Crossroads of History, Industry, and Technology: Olive Oil Production in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Nineteenth Century

Olive Oil Production Machines

Antonio Monte, “Le macchine in uso nei processi storici di produzione dell’olio”, Patrimonio Industriale, 04, 3, ottobre 2009, p. 40-53. [The machines in use in …

Hypogean Oil Mills in Terra d’Otranto

Antonio Monte, “I Trappeti ipogei di Terra D’Otranto per la produzione dell’olio ‘lampante’: il processo produttivo storico e gli ‘ordigni oleari’”, in Luce e Olio. …

Olive Oil and Soap Production Palestine Nablus

Beshara Doumani, Rediscovering Palestine: Merchants and Peasants in Jabal Nablus, 1700-1900, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. Chapter 4: “Political Economy of Olive Oil Production” …