At the Crossroads of History, Industry, and Technology: Olive Oil Production in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Nineteenth Century
<span class="vcard">Dilek Akyalcin</span>
Dilek Akyalcin

Olive Oil Production Machines

Antonio Monte, “Le macchine in uso nei processi storici di produzione dell’olio”, Patrimonio Industriale, 04, 3, ottobre 2009, p. 40-53. [The machines in use in …

Hypogean Oil Mills in Terra d’Otranto

Antonio Monte, “I Trappeti ipogei di Terra D’Otranto per la produzione dell’olio ‘lampante’: il processo produttivo storico e gli ‘ordigni oleari’”, in Luce e Olio. …

Olive Oil and Soap Production Palestine Nablus

Beshara Doumani, Rediscovering Palestine: Merchants and Peasants in Jabal Nablus, 1700-1900, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995. Chapter 4: “Political Economy of Olive Oil Production” …